Learning Apps, Board games, QR codes


Today we were making different learning tools for a class. You can find many different apps for making tools on this page: learningapps

Our teacher Mario showed us at the start of the class these learning apps 
he then explained to us how we could create our own ones.

These are the learning apps that I made in the lessons:

My first learning app
My second learning app

DIY (do it yourself)
This is for making dice, crosswords, word search, double puzzles,  Math squares, Mazes,  cryptograms....
Here you find free apps for creating your own board games:

puzzle maker
tools for educators

I really like this app too, specially the ‘random name picker’. It is a very useful tool for a class. It helps teachers to random pick somebody from class. We will never again argue with children who is first, second...last. The rollercoaster (name picker) will randomly pick the name of the pupils :)
Also on this page you can find many other useful tools.


QR codes

are good for quizzes, treasure hunts, cubes, Gallery Walls...

We can make QRcodes with this free apps:



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